#DeveloperIPL Game

#DeveloperIPL Game

Abhishek Doifode
5 min readNov 28, 2020

Our Team “PseudoPrgmNerds” recently participated for a Exciting Hack-a-thon named “DeveloperIPL” on Hacker-earth Platform, and theme for it was Social Good.

(IPL: Indian Premier League is a professional Twenty20 cricket league in India)

About DeveloperIPL : It was perfect competition for us to build and explore more on Serverless Platform. Over time as we were working on turning Idea to App, right from planning to implementation and finding out Which Technology will be best fit for solution, as Nimbella Supported almost every technology. As many participants were new to platform, for which Nimbella team organized various workshops right from How to Start building ?, How to use different features available ?, which was a great learning experience for us.

Also Whenever we used to face difficulty while implementing something, Nimbella Team was available on Slack Platform, and was easy to reach and get help, whenever doubts we had . We would love to participate again, in next season of DeveloperIPL and would encourage all the readers to try the Nimbella Platform (Serverless is the Future if you are from Tech.) and this is Free to Explore and I am sure will be Great Learning Experience for you as well.


About Nimbella :

Nimbella is a Serverless Cloud Platform [ Serverless means, developer does not have to manage any resources required for your app/workload like hosting, compute instance, database or storage, *nimbella’s re-serve everything for you in their underlying system], which allows developer to focus on code — build app and deploy/host within seconds.

:-) No need to stop and restart instance -> its serverless

This makes everything quick, easy and saves your time.

Get Started with Nimbella :

Learn More About Nimbella Platform : https://nimbella.com/platform

Nimbella Supports Application Runtimes built with Technologies like :

.Net , Go , Java , JavaScript, PHP , Python + AI/ML (including packages for Tensorflow and PyTorch), Ruby, Swift

Vox Socialis

About Our Project : Vox Socialis

Vox Socialis is the solution for all social and personal problems. This demo is about donation and e-complaint program. The increasing hunger, homelessness, illiterate, generational poverty impacts the progress and economy of the country. With this, online frauds scams cyber bullying are the modern problems which are gradually increasing. The consequences of poverty are manifold and its impact the families through generation as well as the cyber attack on people can make huge damage to their hard work’s saving. That’s why, we are here, modern problems require modern solutions. We have introduced two programs and integrated into one



By means of donation, if we help the children, families like educating their one generation or providing livelihood to increase income can help families to break the cycle of generational poverty. On this program, you can donate anything you want, Food, Clothes Money, etc.

In Complaint, you can raise your voice against injustice. You can register your complaint online. With this, you can complain about any problem you are facing like Transportation, Agriculture, Drinking Water, Electricity, Health Security, Cyber Attacks, Online Frauds and Scams etc. These are the categories of complaints you can register if you want. we are requesting you to step forward to make someone’s Life by giving off your for the success and happiness of the poor as well as don’t be afraid to raise your voice against injustice, against any problems. We are here to multiply your voice.

Technologies used in Project:

  1. Front-End : ReactJs, Redux
  2. Back-End : Node JS, ExpressJS
  3. Database : MongoDB (Document Store)
  4. Database : Redis (Key-Value Store) Provided By Nimbella
  5. Storage : Google Cloud Based Object Storage Provided By Nimbella

Tools used:

  1. Postman : API Testing
  2. GitHub : Repository + CI/CD
  3. VSCode : Development
  4. Maps API(Google) : Maps

Git Repository of Project: https://github.com/precproject/nimbella-project

Development Phase :

  1. Initilly we read about Nimbella Serverless Platform, How it is built ? How the Project structure need to maintain ? and referred Sample Examples available on Git.
  2. We developed the backend part first with some function developed with API NODE-JS and some with JAVA functions
  3. Database we used Redis (Provided by Nimbella) to store Stock Count Stats , User Details and other side We used MongoDB for storing Beneficiary Transactions
  4. To Store Images uploaded by Beneficiary as part of “Food Review” we used Object Storage (Provided by Nimbella) — its a Google Cloud Storage
  5. We deployed the BackEnd API on Nimbella and started with testing using POSTMAN
  6. After completion, we proceed with Front-End Development built with ANGULAR
  7. To Simplify the Development and Deployment Process, we configured CI/CD on GitHub (Actions)

Refer for Integration of Postman (Nimbella Provides a Plugin for same to Create Serverless API)

How Nimbella and Postman helped during this Hack?
It was my first time with Nimbella and it was really easy to deploy apps using nim cli tool. Before starting the hack I was looking for the cloud solution that can manage all the things in the backend and during the hack I got familiar with nimbella. One single command can push your app to a live server and interesting thing is that it’s free for the beginners. Deploying to nimbella and testing api using postman was one of the best combination I came across till now.


How to Deploy Apps using Nimbella?

  1. Register on Nimbella platform.
  2. Create new app and download CLI and login to nim with the auth token.
  3. change working directory and deploy project.
nim auth login <unique_id>
//change directory
nim project deploy <project name>

NOTE: Working directory should have web folder and all the content should be inside this folder because nimbella will look for folder named web and will push that folder to cloud. The web folder should contain main file index.html


About Postman

Postman is the collaboration platform for API Development. It allows you to simplify each step of building an API and to streamline collaboration, so you can create better APIs — faster.

At the end #DeveloperIPL Game Hackathon was full of learning experience and learned lot of things with the help of tools like Nimbella and Postman.



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